About me

Welcome! I, uh, guess you came to this page to learn about me.

I’m Hannah. I like to travel, and I like to draw.

It’s me!
About my blog

Through sketches, paintings and comics, I hope to capture the magic of travel. I do this for two reasons:

One: There are thousands of photographers on the internet who are doing a much better job than I ever could at taking travel photos.

Two: Ever take a photo while travelling only to discover that you have woefully failed to capture the magic you felt in that place, at that moment? I believe that traditional and digital art, while a less accurate representation of the physical world, can present a more genuine realization of that travel “magic”.

Why “Drawn out travels”?

New Zealand, as much as it holds a special place in my heart, is an expensive place to travel from. When your closest international neighbor is a three hour flight away, the ticket costs add up! Being only able to travel when my wallet allows, I  feel the need to draw out my travels for as long as possible, whether by looking through photos, writing about my experiences, or sketching favorite memories.

Thus, drawing out my travels by drawing them out. Ha, ha ha, ha… puns.

MORE about me

In 2015, I moved to Japan to work as an English teacher for a year. I recorded my travels online, mostly as a way to share my experiences with friends and family, but also as some sort of travel memoir vanity project. If you’d like to check out my early attempts at blogging (and get some insight into teaching English in Japan), the domain is still up and running.

Fast-forward to a few years later and I’m back in New Zealand – where I’m a lanyard-wearing, pen-pushing, 9-5 public servant. Don’t get me wrong – this is what I went to law school for, and I enjoy the field I work in.

However, I couldn’t ignore that I had the blogging bug – it was the perfect mix of my love of travel, my love of writing and my love for vanity projects. Which brings us here – to Drawnouttravels.com.